About Us

Case Recit (CaRe) is every law student’s go-to case digest reference. Created by a former law student, CaRe aims to provide easy-to-read case digests of Philippine Supreme Court decisions for quick review, resource for immediate submissions of written case digests, and on-demand lookup of cases for mental exercises.

This is primarily tailored for law students who have few little time to spare for digesting voluminous cases for submission the next day or for recitation later in the evening. This is because we know, and have witnessed firsthand, that studying in law school while working full time is a gargantuan day-to-day task and how a quick glance of ready-made case digests could spell the difference between a terrible night and the best ever.

It does not mean, though, that full or part time law students cannot benefit from this. Every law student is welcome here, regardless what your status in law school is – whether you are currently studying or have stopped temporarily.

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